Thursday, September 2, 2010

International Human Rights Internships in Cambodia

Our Human Rights internships in Cambodia are based in the capital city of Phnom Penh. The placement gives interns the opportunity to work on alongside a respected humanitarian organization while also gaining first-hand experience in human rights law in practice.

Interns must have completed at least three years of a related undergraduate degree and have a strong interest in human rights issues. Interns with related degrees or relevant work experience are also encouraged to apply.

Interns need to commit to at least 2 months on a Human Rights internship in Cambodia.
Human Rights Internships Abroad in Cambodia

Human Rights interns in Cambodia Human Rights interns workwith the Community Legal Education Center (CLEC), our partner Human Rights organization in Phnom Penh. The organization is a non-profit NGO that focuses on a variety of Human Rights issues through promoting people's rights, legal education, and consultation. The organization represents local communities and develops laws to protect their interests. CLEC also trains groups like the Employers Council in workers rights and trains Commune councils so they understand their rights.

Recent areas that CLEC have been involved in include educating pregnant women on labor laws and helping groups that have been evicted from certain areas gain compensation for losing their land.

Interning with Projects Abroad in Phnom Penh would be a valuable addition to your resume and might just secure you that lucrative first job once you graduate.
International Human Rights Experience with Projects Abroad

Your precise role will be determined by your background and level of interest in specific areas. Interns work under the supervision of the local staff and will work in one of four departments: labor, good governance, natural resources and access to justice.

The vast majority of the work is office-based, though you may occasionally have the opportunity to join site visits within Phnom Penh or the surrounding provinces.

Interns working in any of the four departments can expect to be involved in researching and collecting documents, compiling reports, and editing and translating written materials.

Interns will need to have excellent English skills and should be flexible, proactive, and hardworking. You will be a representative of a professional organization and must take your position seriously to meet the demands of this rewarding internship.

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