Wednesday, June 8, 2011

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Sunday, June 5, 2011

International Human Rights Law Clinic

At an event at the National Press Club the International Human Rights Law Clinic at American University Washington College of Law is announced the release of a report titled "Picked Apart: The Hidden Struggles of Migrant Worker Women in the Maryland Crab Industry," a comprehensive look at the experiences of migrant workers in the Maryland crab industry.  The clinic collaborated with Centro de los Derechos del Migrante, Inc. on the report. Two former migrant workers from Mexico discussed their experiences working as crab pickers on Maryland's Eastern Shore.  Representatives of the AFL-CIO, Public Justice Center, and Southern Poverty Law Center also spoke at the event.

Monday, March 21, 2011

International Human Rights Academy 2005

The 4th International Human Rights Academy (IHRA) took place from 16-29 October 2005 in Cape Town, South Africa. The IHRA 2005 was a cooperation between the Human Rights Centre of Ghent University (Belgium), the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM) at Utrecht University (The Netherlands), the Faculty of Law of University of the Western Cape (South Africa) and IFHHRO.

54 participants from 43 different countries took part in the IHRA 2005, varying from judges, medical doctors, lawyers, NGO-workers and government officials.

Courses included the Universal System of Protection of Human Rights, the Regional Systems of Protection of Human Rights, International Criminal Law, International Humanitarian Law and Transitional Law. Furthermore, specific topics such as social & economic rights, children's & women's rights, minority rights, refugees, torture, universal jurisdiction, human rights & foreign policy, human rights from an Asian & Arab perspective, etc. were also included. Lectures were given by prominent academic and non-academic speakers from all continents.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

International Human Rights Lawyer

Dr. Doebbler is an expert in international law, particularly international human rights law.

He has earned law degrees from New York Law School in the United States (a Juris Doctors); Nijmegen University in the Netherlands (a Meesterstitel in European law, comparative constitutional law and international law [europees recht, vergelijkende staatsrecht en volkenrecht]); and London School of Economics and Political Science (Ph.D. in public international law, specialized in international human rights law). He has also been awarded a diploma in Public International Law by the prestigious Hague Academy of International Law in the Den Haag, Nederland.

He earned first degrees in journalism and English literature from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, USA.

His clients have included heads of state, governments, non-government organizations and, particularly some of the most vulnerable and oppressed individuals in the world.

Dr. Doebbler practices law before the International Court of Justice, the African Commission and Court of Human and Peoples' Rights, the European Court of Human Rights, the Inter-American Commission and Court of Human Rights, the United Nations Administrative Tribunal, and the United Nations Treaty bodies. Almost all of his work is pro bono. Click on the "Contact Dr Doebbler" tab to the left to find out how you can contact Dr. Doebbler about your case or a human rights violation anywhere in the world.

He does not usually take domestic cases, but may be involved as 'of counsel' or as cooperating counsel with lawyers on cases raising significant international law issues or constitutional issues of international importance.

He is also admitted to practice law in the United States in District of Columbia, the Court of Appeal of the Fourth Circuit, the US Court of Federal Claims, and the United States Supreme Court.

Currently he is also a Professor of Law at An-Najah National University and a visiting professor at Webster University (Geneva), and the Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations. He often lectures at conferences and at universities around the world.

Dr. Doebbler works with about two dozen volunteers around the world at any one time. They are individuals who are committed to promoting and protecting international human rights law and have been selected from among dozens of applicants. Many are former students, some are lawyers or professor of law, all work with Dr. Doebbler under his close supervision.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Department of Law


LL.M. in International Human Rights Law is the oldest established human rights law degree in the United Kingdom. Its focus is on human rights in international law rather than domestic systems. Most of the professors teaching on this course have held or currently hold posts in the UN and other international organisations.

LL.M. in International Trade Law looks at all aspects of trade at the international level, and much of the teaching is at the cutting edge of scholarship, addressing issues that are developing as the student is studying them.

LL.M. in European Community Law addresses all aspects of the European Community and European Union. Students also have access to a range of courses on the LLMs in International Trade Law and in IT, Media and E-commerce. Students have gone on to work in law firms all over Europe, using their specialist knowledge gained from experts whose work is regularly cited in the European Court of Justice and who are called on to give advice by members of the European Commission.

LL.M. in Information Technology, Media and E-Commerce admitted its first students in October 2002. The development of digital technology and the convergence of the communications media have had a significant impact, raising many legal problems about access to and use of telecommunications networks, the Internet and broadcast media. The LLM aims to identify and address these issues, thus providing valuable substantive knowledge for a lawyer in the ‘information society’. The LLM scheme is designed to allow flexibility in student choice: subjects will be taught as short, specific courses. This approach will enable students either to specialise or to obtain a broader, more general knowledge of the area of law. Additionally, the scheme will enable students to develop key skills from their undergraduate degree further.

LL.M. in UK Human Rights and Public Law has expanded its content markedly in recent years, reflecting the implementation of the Human Rights Act in the United Kingdom and devolved legislatures for Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. It can be taken in full-time and part-time modes. It would be especially attractive to people from throughout the United Kingdom, and should appeal to all those from the Commonwealth or other common law jurisdictions, plus students from other member states of the European Union.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Human Rights Law Centre

The Unit was established in 2009 by Professor Nigel White, building on the work done by the Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights Unit (2006-2009) led by Dr Daniel Moeckli.  Its aim is to undertake research into the relationship between human rights law and international humanitarian law and current issues of security such as the threat of terrorism, the rise of private military security contractors and the changes to peacekeeping and other peace operations.  The Unit will produce academic publications and policy documents on these issues and is available to undertake specific research projects at the request of governments, non-governmental and inter-governmental organisations, as well as conduct training courses in human rights and humanitarian law for military and security services.

Human Rights in Eric Posner's Lawless World

Conservative legal provocateur Eric Posner has an article titled "Think Again: International Law" in the most recent Foreign Policy. If you are involved in human rights work, it won't make you happy.

Posner writes:

    "Academic research suggests that international human rights treaties have had little or no impact on the actual practices of states. The Genocide Convention has not prevented genocides; the Torture Convention has not stopped torture. The same can be said for the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and a host of treaties meant to advance the rights of women and children. States that already respect human rights join human rights treaties because doing so is costless for them. States that do not respect human rights simply ignore their treaty obligations."

What is Posner's argument here? That laws that aren't followed 100 percent of the time should be disposed of? That genocide and torture shouldn't be illegal?  If that is, in fact, what Posner is saying, his complaint isn't with international law, but law in general. After all, murder is illegal in every society, yet murders are still committed everywhere.

Posner goes on to explain:

    "The evidence shows that human rights are best in those states that are wealthiest, leading many scholars to speculate that the best way to promote human rights is to promote growth."

Wealthier states are, on average, more likely to respect human rights, but Posner is assuming that economic growth causes states to respect human rights. There is a huge body of literature, including, most famously, Amartya Sen's Development as Freedom, that concludes the exact opposite, that respect for human rights -especially freedom of expression- enables disaster-prevention, poverty reduction, and economic growth.

Then, there are the glaring examples of developed and wealthy countries showing little respect for the rights of people residing within their borders. Russia, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Singapore might all be developed, but they're hardly paragons of good human rights policy. Economies can boom and skylines soar on the labor of exploited, brutalized underclasses, and in spite of authoritarian denials of civil and political rights.

However, countries like Singapore, representing the so-called "authoritarian development" model, and rentier states like Saudi Arabia -regimes that survive on income from natural resources- are exceptions globally. Most undemocratic countries are dismally poor.

As law, human rights have instrumental value to people campaigning for equality, exposing cruelty, and taking cases against their abusive and feckless governments to national and international courts.

Whether it entails locating mass graves or litigating on behalf of slum residents, human rights work outside the democratic world often places advocates and their loved ones in mortal danger. International human rights law isn't always honored, and it certainly cannot bring the dead back to life, but without the law itself on their side, threatened human rights defenders in places like Zimbabwe, Afghanistan, and Russia would be even worse off than they are now.

If nothing else, human rights law gives some wronged parties recourse and a focus for the future. It has allowed Chechen village mothers whose sons were forcibly disappeared to take the Russian state to the European Court of Human Rights and, in doing so, say to the world, "Our government must account for its actions, and acknowledge our suffering." That alone is a powerful -and empowering-thing.

About which Eric Posner has nothing to say.

I wouldn't expect an arch-realist to address norms, but not addressing the instrumental value of human rights law is sheer intellectual laziness.

If Posner is correct about anything, it's that the world we live in is too often still one in which a person's birthplace, rather than humanity, dictates the rights she or he may enjoy.  But that's not an argument for less international law, that's an argument for more and better human rights advocacy.

Side note: Posner's worldview is, ironically, best represented by this Amnesty International ad -minus the last line, of course.